Saturday, June 27, 2015


On the creative writing prompts link I got the prompt “If an ATM could be custom made for you, what would it spew out instead of money.” As I am sitting here writing, I would say it would probably have to give out candy. It would be all kinds of candy, anything sweet, it can’t just be one kind because then that would get boring. It would have kit-kats, Snickers, Milkyway, M&M’s, Sour Patch Kids, Butterfingers, I can’t think of anymore candies off the top of my head right now but there would be a lot more in my ATM. Although, if I had an ATM that gave me nothing but candy, I have a feeling I would start getting pretty overweight. I would for sure have to start working out more. Having a candy ATM probably isn’t the best of ideas. It would be good for awhile but I would probably get sick off of it because I wouldn’t be able to stop eating all of the candy. I have a serious sweet tooth. And as I wrote that sentence my thoughts trailed off to ice cream. That sounds really good right now and since I’m going to be in town today, I think I might stop by Andy’s maybe and grab some. That totally went off topic of my candy giving ATM, but there’s really only so much you can say about an ATM and I think I’ve run out of things. I would be interested in hearing what other kinds of ATM’s people would like to have, so comment what your ATM would give out instead of money.


1 comment:

  1. This was a fun one Matraca. From now on, every time I go through the ATM, I will think about it spitting out candy. I especially liked the prompt at the end. I have been racking my brain trying to think of something and I finally got it. If I had a personalized ATM, I would want it to spit out presents-already wrapped, of course. That way anytime I needed a gift, which is a lot, I would just pull in, press the right code, and out would pop the perfect gift for the occasion. With that being said, I would like to ask you if you have heard of the "Cupcake ATM" that they have in different parts of the country? I am just not sure how I would feel about eating a cupcake from the machine.
