Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Learning New Languages

Everyone wants to know another language right? Or is that just me? My writing prompt I got today was “List reasons to learn a new language.” I’ve always wanted to learn a new language just because I thought it would be cool to speak different languages. Some people do it because they are traveling to a different country and want to be able to communicate with the people there. Some learn a new language just because they want to. I always wanted to learn French. Partly because I’ve always wanted to go to France. It’s the shopping capital of the world, of course I want to go. And the Eiffel Tower is there, I’ve always wanted to see that. I don’t really know any other reasons people learn another language. Maybe if their job requires it, I know some nurses and police officers that have to learn Spanish because that is another largely spoken language in America. If you learn a language you have to start learning their culture and some people are really interested in the culture of others. There’s four reasons, thinking it’s cool, so they can communicate with others, for a job, or for learning the culture. People learn different languages for all sorts of different reasons. Some people are raised learning two different languages because those are the ones spoken in their house. My time is about out and I’m slowing down on being able to come up with reasons people want to learn a new language.


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